Hi, I’m Patricia,

and I edit memoirs, biographies, creative nonfiction, and proposals.

Do you have a story to tell? Are you a first-time author?

Are you struggling with a book proposal, grant proposal, application, or pitch?

Does your draft need a fresh look and focused assessment? Are you seeking to shape your story, draw out your voice, communicate your ideas?

Are you unsure about grammar, mechanics, and/or fluid expression?

Whether you are an indie or academic writer—whether you are just starting out, bogged down in the middle, or ready to dot the i’s and cross the t’s—I can help steer your project to successful completion.

My services include developmental editing, line editing, and copyediting.

I enjoy working with first-time authors and nonfluent English speakers.

Let’s talk!


“The word “asterisk” comes from the Greek asteriskos, meaning “little star.” This symbol dates to 200 BCE when the grammarian Aristarchus of Samothrace used it to mark passages in the margins of the texts he was reading. Today, the asterisk serves to indicate omissions, separate sections of a text, or refer readers to additional information. Editors harness the asterisk as a wildcard (“find anything”) in Word’s Find and Replace function. The asterisk evokes what’s missing and what’s possible.