• A free, initial conversation about your project, followed by a free estimate of the cost of my services based on your needs and my assessment of your manuscript.
  • A contractual agreement including the scope and cost of my services and a timeline that works for us both. My rates follow professional standards as found on the Editorial Freelancers Association website (https://www.the-efa.org/rates/). I require a 25% payment upon signature of the contract.
  • A timely edit.
  • For developmental editing: (1) an editorial letter offering an insightful response to your text and constructive suggestions about how to move forward, and (2) specific in-margin queries and comments using Microsoft Word’s Track Changes. Author’s revisions are challenging: here are the tools you will need to make your book, article, or proposal the best it can be.
  • For line editing or copyediting: (1) a cover letter, and (2) a rigorous set of revisions and in-margin queries and comments using Microsoft Word’s Track Changes. You will see exactly what changes I am suggesting. You can accept or reject each one.

For any edit: a second pass. After you have reviewed and accepted or rejected the edits, here’s a chance to ask questions and address any remaining issues.